Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Spoken Word ( re-done)

During this shoot we tried to juxtapose shots of something man-made (a dam) and shots of the nature around it. We did these shots at night because it went well with the tone of our spoken word. We used a lot of still shots and focused more on the subjects than the movement of the shots.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Camera Techniques (Re-done)

Camera Techniques

10 Shot Camera Techniques

Recently, we practiced ten new video techniques, such as Whip Pan, Whip Cut, Search Up, and Ceiling Twist. These shots are often used to portray the emotions and tone of the scene without using words. You can see these shots in a lot of classic films such as The Wrong Man, directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

Hitchcock does a good job of portraying the tone of the movie with his shots, especially in the famous bank scene. In the scene you can tell by the camera movements that the characters are frightened. Specifically in the scene at around 1:30.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014



Codec stands for encoder-decoder and is a way to compress digital data. You encode it to make it smaller, but it cannot be played in this form, so you decode it to get (roughly) the original back.
There are different methods of encoding that give different qualities. A codec that can give better quality and smaller file sizes is very useful especially if you are transferring files over the internet. Programmers find better, more clever ways to encode the data to get smaller files and better quality and so you get a new codec.
You need a container to hold the different types of information that is needed for a movie. You need video and audio information. You need information to tell the movie player what kind codecs are used, you might want to included subtitles or other information in the container as well.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Difference Between Story and Plot (Updated)

Story Vs. Plot
Martin Scorsese is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, actor, and film historian. He is widely regarded as one of the most significant and influential filmmakers in cinema history. He is responsible for many classic films such as Goodfellas, Raging Bull, The Departed, and The Wolf of Wall Street. That is why I believe he is a trusted source when it comes to the difference between story and plot. Scorsese states that films he continued to watch over the years held up not because of plot but because of a different approach to story. He uses the film The Wrong Man by Alfred Hitchcock to describe his point. Saying that he could re-watch the movie over and over again is the because of the mood, style, camera moves, and general "feelings of threat." Not because of the plot. I agree with Scorsese that story is more important than plot. The use of tone, mood, and camera movements are what keep you watching the film.